The robotics club of ENSAM RABAT RobotiCore was created and accredited by Mohammed 5 University in January 2012. Led by a group of robotics enthusiasts in various disciplines and at different levels of study, their objective is to bring together the largest community of student Makers from ENSAM RABAT ex: ENSET RABAT, to design and carry out a set of projects, in order to develop the spirit of innovation and practice robotics.
Projects Done
Won Awards
Competitions Hosted
The African Robotics Competition (CAR) is an annual event that brings together the brightest robotics enthusiasts in Africa. Since its inception, the CAR has established itself as an unmissable event for students passionate about robotics engineering. It aims to promote innovation, education and cooperation between the different teams involved in the field of robotics on the African continent.
Total Audience
Participating Nations
Competing Teams
Osiris bot
Essaim Enviroment Robots
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